
Telecommunications Systems Design Consultant and Poet



This is a sound poem I wrote for experimenting with. Of course, it's not really a sound poem. It's not really a poem.

This is not a sound poem because
a sound poem has to do away with words
and use only buzzes clicks yelps
noises and sounds stripped mercilessly
of semantics and
I simply don't have the chutzpah
to inflict that on you and pretend
I know what I'm doing and that it's profound.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not at all saying
that it's all a fake, a hoax, a conspiracy
of pretension. It's just that if I were
to do it, it would be all those things.
I might even get away with it, were I to
scream at you sufficiently loudly so that
you thought "my ears are ringing - this
must be important" And if you thought
it was important would that make it important -
is there any difference between importance and
the perception of importance. Of course there is
you silly sophisticated sycophants.
I'm not sure I like the last bit; I put it in for the sibilants, but it sounds like I'm insulting the audience. Perhaps I'll change it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm - yes, at risk of sounding sycophantic, I share your reservations about the last sentence. (Or is it a deliberate dilemma you force on the reader?)

Since this is a sound poem, perhaps it could dissolve in sibilance at the end of the penultimate line. Or buzzing, anyway.

You might like to have a look at line 3 of 2nd stanza: should be pretension and It's.


29 July 2004 at 08:42  
Blogger Peter Howard said...

Thanks, A. I've corrected the typos. I've never been able to spell 'pretension'.

29 July 2004 at 10:24  

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